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ISMSC 2023

17th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry ráðstefnan (ISMSC 2023) var haldin Hörpu dagana 25 - 29 júní 2023. Meðal þeirra sem komu fram á ráðstefnunni var nóbelsverðlaunahafinn Fraser Stoddart.

ISMSC 2023

17th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry ráðstefnan (ISMSC 2023) var haldin Hörpu dagana 25 – 29 júní 2023. Meðal þeirra sem komu fram á ráðstefnunni var nóbelsverðlaunahafinn Fraser Stoddart.

Stærð ráðstefnunnar var 700 manns og inní henni voru þrír kvöldverðir sem þurfti að skipuleggja auk allra annarra viðvika.

The meeting was a major success, the dinners and the company was perfect, and I think it will be a long time, if ever, that another ISMSC meeting will be held that will be matched in quality and impact of this one! A big thank you for making the process so smooth and such a success! It was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to work with you all.

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